Entries by Thaddeus (42)


Work in Progress

Ok, so I don't have the code examples for the C/Side library done yet.  I do have a basic wiki page up, which I will add to.  I have been updating the source code and over the weekend I made a number of breaking changes to the library.  These were mainly method renamings and minor signature changes.  I think these were all for the better, but you will likely need to make some minor changes to code using the 1.3 and prior libraries.  I will post the 1.4 update this week, along with finished samples, either this week or next weekend (you can always download the latest source from my respository).  If anyone has any questions about the library, I'm always happy to answer questions, as well as discuss usage.


C/Side Integration Utilities v1.3 is now Live

I finally published the latest C/Side utils with bug fixes, improvements and new documentation.  You can get the source and binaries from the bitbucket repository, or grab the latest builds off Mibuso as well.  I will putting up a proper wiki for it along with various source examples in the future.  I will be taking pull requests so I hope folks in the community will fork this project and submit improvements/features back to the main project.


C/Side Project Improvements

I'm about 2 years overdue on publishing some updates to my C/Side Integration project, but I'm finally posting something.  Yeah I suck, I know.  The latest version features a new class for building/parsing Navision client links, as well as various improvements.  Sadly the event hooking bug is still present, hopefully I will nail that down at some point.  I should have an update published this weekend complete with new help files.  Also the project is now hosted on Kiln, so you can check the repository at any given moment to grab the latest source files.  You can also view the source files through the web interface there as well as see all version control activity.


Awesome artwork you should own

Larry Elmore, one of the most awesome artists ....well ever ..is doing a kickstarter project to create an artbook of his life's work.  If you EVER played D&D back in the day then you probably saw his artwork.  I encourage everyone who's interested in such things to look at that project and consider pledging.  I am embedding a link below to the kicktraq tracker.

Larry Elmore Art: The Complete Elmore Artbook -- Kicktraq Mini


Oh Shiny!

Yeah so I'm a big fat fibber.  This time I'm not going to make any promises I'm just going to put them up at some point ... hopefully soon.  Did I mention I get distracted easily.  In the meantime here is a very cool video I found on twitter that I thought I would share.

Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.


On a side note, I wish all spammers would die and burn in hell.  They are simply parasites on humanity.

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